If you’re reading this article then you either aware or curious about the economic fiasco the
Food: (Assuming I don’t need to tell you to stock up on everyday canned foods)
- Easy to fix storable foods that you don’t need much to make. Such as MRE’s, Freeze dried pouches, camping foods.
- Long term storable foods like wheat, rice, and beans. Be advised storing flour isn’t the same as storing wheat; flour becomes rancid. Also with wheat you’ll need to purchase a grain mill to make flour.
- Along with your wheat you’ll need raising agents to make bread such as dry yeast, baking soda and baking powder.
- As far as amounts to store that's something you'll have to decide based on the size of your family, but here are some general guidelines:
- First you should store at least one gallon per person per day. Outside of this minimum there are collapsible water jugs for people like myself who live in apartments and don’t have a lot of space. (*Keynote* if there is any type of emergency man made or natural make sure you fill up your jugs and bath tub right away).
- If your water supply is compromised or contaminated you’ll need a way to purify it; boiling, water purification tablets / bleach or water purifier.
- Berkey makes some great water filters! If you can’t afford one these I would advise you to check Amazon or Ebay and buy a portable water purifier. You should be able to find a good one for under $70.
- Next is water purification tablets, I prefer the Katadyn tablets over the iodine drops.
- You have to start thinking of alternative methods of energy. Seems like no matter what type of catastrophe the power goes out.
- Propane is a great storable fuel that can be used to light lantern, camping stoves, heaters, etc. and propane is cheap right now.
Here is a list of some of the things you want to stock up on:
- Soap
- Lotion
- Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Lip Balm
- Mess Kits
- Camping Stove
- Sleeping Bag
- Fuel for your stove
- Hand crank flashlights
- Hand crank radios
- Candles
- Lanterns
- Blankets
- Hunting / Camping Knife
- Hatchet / Camping Axe
- Water proof matches
- Batteries
- Duct tape
- Plastic sheeting
- TOILET PAPER (I don't know about you, but newspaper does not sound good to me)
- Feminine Products
- Baby Foods
- Any Meds you might use on a regular basis
In addition here is a list of useful websites: (In no particular order)
- www.backpacker.com
- www.efoodsdirect.com
- www.cmi-gold-silver.com (Great article on survival coins)
- www.mountainhouse.com
- www.yourfoodstorage.com
- www.billofrights.com
- www.endoftimesreport.com
- www.southsummit.com
- www.captaindaves.com
- www.kitco.com (You wanna know what your gold and silver is worth)
Check out Ryanjcus's channel on youtube for 72hr Emergency Kits (Bug out Bags) and more.